Human Centered Design

Crafting interactive experiences that tell a story and stir the heart.

Web design is a technical art, but its complexity and structure only serve the creation of a fluid, beautiful, and ultimately human experience.

Crafting The Human Experience

We have been creating websites since the web was born. We strive to marry our expertise in web development with explorations of simplicity, usability, customer insight, potent prose, design, and vibrant imagery.

The web is a visual journey, a medium of knowledge, sight, and story.  Let us help to grow your story.

We Build Businesses.

Get to know i9design, we like to get to know you. We are as likely to spend as much time talking vision and strategy as we are technical methodology. Over 20 years, we have learned a great deal about the fundamentals of good business, vision, and realism.

Good deliverables often start with good questions.

Where do you see your company in 3 years?  What are the current challenges to growing your business?  What personal goals can we help you realize, by exploring and defining your brand in new ways?

Beyond The Web

As a marketing agency, some of our favorite  the moments we have had, face to face with clients, as we explore the nature of their business, their dreams for the future, their ideal customers, and the most potent, vibrant, and impact path that we can use to reach them and propel their business forward. These are the pieces of the puzzle that give our work meaning.

Talk With Us!

A website is a fundamental marketing tool, but it also a integral piece that needs to fit into the beautiful tapestry of your brand.

Explore our portfolio, and contact us if our work speaks to you. We bring creative visions to life.

Link to: Photography + VideoLink to: Branding & Graphic DesignLink to: Search Engine OptimizationLink to: Marketing
Link to: Web HostingLink to: E-CommerceLink to: DevelopmentLink to: Marketing

Get In Touch

Our design studio is located in downtown Nelson, BC.  Give us a call, and stop in for a visit. We love to learn about what inspires you, to listen to your vision, and to explore if we can be a part of bringing your ideas to life.

Email                                      Phone                        Address        250 . 505 . 6285        385 Baker Street Suite 1 Nelson, BC



250 . 505 . 6285


385 Baker Street Suite 1 Nelson, BC
